Parish, Paupers and Poo!


Parish, Paupers and Poo! – Tuesday 13th to Friday 16th May 2008


An historical and dramatical performance

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For four nights, the Sarah Siddons Fan Club presented an improvised historical dramatic performance called Parish, Paupers and Poo! around the Park and the local area, as part of the Heritage Lottery Fundundertaking.

They were enjoyable and informative evenings, with actors in costume appearing from behind buildings and bushes to send the audiences back in time to recreate various key people and events in Shirley’s history. Much fun was had by all!


The Sarah Siddons Fan Club

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The Sarah Siddons Fan Club has been researching, writing, and performing scenes from Southampton’s history for nearly two decades. Always based on actual events, their approach is idiosyncratic and light-hearted. Who else would stage the Battle of Agincourt as a tug o’ war, with audience members as the opposing armies; or produce the legend of Bevis and Ascupart as a pantomime?


Parish, Paupers and Poo!
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