Youth Sports & Games Club


About the Youth Sports & Games Club

Following on from our Community Games event in July 2014, one of our volunteers, Scott Boreham, could see the potential of St.James’ Park for the benefit for young people. His idea became a reality when four other volunteers from the event agreed to get involved.

Scott and his team were also helped out by Tom and Beth who ran District Sports in Winchester, providing grass roots coaching in a multitude of sporting activities to primary schools throughout the region. Tom and Beth volunteered at our Community Games event, and also volunteered for this project as they were community‑minded and happy to share their skills and knowledge.

Many thanks to Scott and all the other volunteers who gave up their Saturday mornings, come rain or shine, to provide an opportunity for young people to have some fun![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”4356″ img_size=”” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” link=””][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

Youth Sports & Games Club

For ages 6‑12
Dress appropriately for rain or shine!

Every alternate Saturday
October 2014 to October 2015

Outside the ParkLife CaféSt.James’ Park

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Selected Highlights

Maze with a Twist, February 2015

The session on Saturday 7th February included a special event aimed at all ages. Developed by our Sports Development Volunteer John Sennett, the “Maze with a Twist” was designed to educate people about visual impairments and to teach certain aspects of a daily routine in a life of a visually impaired person. For full effect, blindfolds were introduced and participants tried four stages.

Each stage represented a different sense, and everyone who took part had the chance to guide a partner through the maze, providing the participants with hands‑on experience which can be used in real‑life situations.

In addition to the maze, a guest speaker talked about what he does on a daily basis and what it’s like living with a visual impairment.

Report – December 2014

Scott’s idea for this group really took off – we had a group of 8 volunteers that we could call on to help, and a core of up to 16 local children who spreading the word and brought their friends. They played various different games and sports – manhunt, hide & seek, volleyball, dodgeball, football. We had positive feedback, as one of our volunteers reported:

“I had a couple of parents tell me how much their kids love coming to the club and really look forward to it each week.”

The Club ran every other Saturday but the children asked that it be every week.

Three of our volunteers were young people themselves – volunteering to gain valuable experience but also enjoying playing the games.



We’d also like to thank Roger Murphy, a local builder, for kindly lending us the money to buy a container for all our equipment. We used this container to store the Sports Cage and other equipment, thereby freeing up space inside the building.


Youth Sports & Games Club
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