Wildflower Plug Planting


Wildflower Plug Planting – Wednesday 8th October 2008


A BBC Breathing Places Event

We received a number of wildflower ‘plugs’ (small plants) at the same time as we planted the wildflower seeds back in May 2008. As the weather was so hot back then, we were unable to plant the plugs and had to take them home. FoSJP members cared for them through hot weather and then the torrential rain of yet another wet summer, before we finally managed to get them into the ground in October – just in time for some more rain!

Thanks go to all the members who helped with the planting – especially the children, some of whom joined us after school, still in their uniforms.

We look forward to seeing these plants flower in Spring 2009.



The Local Floral Nature Reserve was just one of several improvements planned to turn St.James’ Park into an official BBC Breathing Place in line with the award that FoSJP won in 2007. Other changes included bird and bat boxes, and new signage showing the variety of flora and fauna in the Park. See our Nature in the Park page for more information.


Wildflower Plug Planting
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